BITCOMODITIES HOLDING LLC has been set up 10/8/2022 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The BITCOMODITIES HOLDING LLC principal address is 10870 NW 88TH TERR, UNIT 103, DORAL, 33178. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 10870 NW 88TH TERR, UNIT 103, DORAL, FL, 33178. The company`s registered agent is PENA LAURY LSR 10870 NW 88TH TERR, DORAL, FL, 33178. The company`s management are Manager - Bascope Alejandro Asr, Manager - Barcelo Guillermo Gsr.

Company number L22000339002
Status Active
FEI number
Company Type Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 10/8/2022
Principal Address 10870 NW 88TH TERR, UNIT 103, DORAL, 33178
Mailing Address 10870 NW 88TH TERR, UNIT 103, DORAL, FL, 33178


Alejandro Asr Bascope

Manager Bascope Alejandro Asr
Address 10870 NW 88TH TERR, DORAL, FL, 33178

Guillermo Gsr Barcelo

Manager Barcelo Guillermo Gsr
Address 10870 NW 88TH TERR, DORAL, FL, 33178

Registered Agent

Agent Name PENA LAURY LSR (p)
Agent Address 10870 NW 88TH TERR, DORAL, FL, 33178