BUSTER'S BOTTOMS UP, INC has been set up 11/13/2015 in state FL.
The current status of the business is Active. The BUSTER'S BOTTOMS UP, INC principal address is 7651 SW Hwy 200, OCALA, FL, 34476.
Meanwhile you can send your letters to 8047 SW 116th Loop, OCALA, FL, 34481.
The company`s registered agent is FINLEY ANGIE Liberty Tax Services, OCALA, FL, 34481.
The company`s management are President - Bambridge Richard, Vice President, President - Bambridge Addie. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 1/24/2020.
Company number P15000093097
Status Active
FEI number 47-5613144
Company Type Domestic for Profit
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 11/13/2015
Additional information
Phone 3523625436
provided by Richard Bambridge
Principal Address
7651 SW Hwy 200, OCALA, FL, 34476
Mailing Address 8047 SW 116th Loop, OCALA, FL, 34481
Richard Bambridge
Bambridge Richard
8047 SW 116th Loop, Ocala, FL, 34481
Addie Bambridge
Vice President, President
Bambridge Addie
8047 SW 116th Loop, Ocala, FL, 34481
Last Annual Reports
2020 1/24/2020
2020 1/24/2020
2019 4/5/2019
Registered Agent
Agent Name FINLEY ANGIE (p)
Agent Address
Liberty Tax Services, OCALA, FL, 34481