C & C GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. has been set up 7/27/1999 in state FL. The current status of the business is Inactive. The C & C GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. principal address is 9841 SW 3RD. ST., MIAMI, FL, 33174. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 9841 SW 3RD. ST., MIAMI, FL, 33174. The company`s registered agent is MARTIN EDUARDO 9841 SW 3RD. ST., MIAMI, FL, 33174. The company`s management are President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director - Martin Eduardo. The last significant event in the company history is ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT which is dated by 9/16/2005. This decision is take in action on unknown. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 2/23/2004.