CORDAG CORPORATION has been set up 3/25/2009 in state DE.
The current status of the business is Inactive. The CORDAG CORPORATION principal address is 12747 Olive Blvd., Saint Louis, MO, 63141-6269.
Meanwhile you can send your letters to 12747 Olive Blvd., Saint Louis, MO, 63141-6269.
The company`s registered agent is FL.
The company`s management are President, Director - Zatzkowski Helmut. The last significant event in the company history is WITHDRAWAL which is dated by 10/18/2016. This decision is take in action on unknown. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 1/23/2016.
Company number F09000001227
Status Inactive
FEI number 043592353
Company Type Foreign for Profit
Home State DE
Last activity date 10/18/2016
Date Of Incorporation 3/25/2009
Additional information
DBA Name big museums inc
Phone 555-6677
Business Location 123 some street, Champlain, NY, 12919
Open hours 9-5
Description anything you need
provided by Bob Iverson
Helmut Zatzkowski
President, Director
Zatzkowski Helmut
12747 Olive Blvd., Saint Louis, MO, 63141
Last Annual Reports
2016 1/23/2016
2016 1/23/2016
2015 1/9/2015
Registered Agent
Agent Name (p)
10/18/2016 WITHDRAWAL