DMRR INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC has been set up 3/17/2005 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The DMRR INVESTMENT GROUP, LLC principal address is 550 BILTMORE WAY, SUITE 1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 550 BILTMORE WAY, SUITE 1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134. The company`s registered agent is SCHECHTER ROSA EEsq. 550 BILTMORE WAY, SUITE 1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134. The company`s management are President - Mato Manuel M, Vice President - Stern Rodolfo, Vice President - Lopez E Daniel. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 6/18/2020.

Company number L05000026926
Status Active
FEI number 202518027
Company Type Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 3/17/2005

Additional information

DBA Name Vernkeisha jackson
Phone 9545734549

Business Location 20 me 7 ave, Pompano, Beach, 33060

provided by Vernkeisha


Manuel M Mato

President Mato Manuel M
Address 550 BILTMORE WAY #1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134

Rodolfo Stern

Vice President Stern Rodolfo
Address 550 BILTMORE WAY #1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134

E Daniel Lopez

Vice President Lopez E Daniel
Address 550 BILTMORE WAY #1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134

Last Annual Reports

2020 6/18/2020
2020 6/18/2020
2019 4/16/2019

Registered Agent

Agent Name SCHECHTER ROSA EEsq. (p)
Agent Address 550 BILTMORE WAY, SUITE 1110, CORAL GABLES, FL, 33134