ELDA INC has been set up 8/1/2021 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The ELDA INC principal address is 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, 33076. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, FL, 33076. The company`s registered agent is DOGU ABRAHAM 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, FL, 33076. The company`s management are President - Dogu Abraham, Vice President, President - Dogu Abraham.

Company number P21000067370
Status Active
FEI number
Company Type Domestic for Profit
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 8/1/2021
Principal Address 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, 33076
Mailing Address 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, FL, 33076

ELDA INC Principals

Abraham Dogu

President Dogu Abraham
Address 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, FL, 33076

Abraham Dogu

Vice President, President Dogu Abraham
Address 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, FL, 33076

Registered Agent

Agent Name DOGU ABRAHAM (p)
Agent Address 8845 WATERCREST CIR E., PARKLAND, FL, 33076