ELEGANT MOBILE WASH AND DETAIL, LLC has been set up 5/9/2017 in state FL.
The current status of the business is Active. The ELEGANT MOBILE WASH AND DETAIL, LLC principal address is 20238 SW 324 ST, HOMESTEAD, FL, 33030.
Meanwhile you can send your letters to 20238 SW 324 ST, HOMESTEAD, FL, 33030.
The company`s registered agent is LOPEZ VICTOR 20238 SW 324 ST, HOMESTEAD, FL, 33030.
The company`s management are A, M, B, R - Lopez Victor J. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 4/30/2020.
Company number L17000102805
Status Active
FEI number 82-1492670
Company Type Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 5/9/2017
Additional information
DBA Name Elegant mobile wash and detail
Phone 7864952615
Business Location 11262 SW 203 Ter, Miami, Fl, 33189
Description Mobile wash and detail services specializing in cars boats motorcycles as well as comercial and residential wash service
provided by Victor j lopez
Victor J Lopez
A, M, B, R
Lopez Victor J
12201 SW 207TH TERRACE, MIAMI, FL, 33177
Last Annual Reports
2020 4/30/2020
2020 4/30/2020
2019 4/12/2019
Registered Agent
Agent Name LOPEZ VICTOR (p)
Agent Address
20238 SW 324 ST, HOMESTEAD, FL, 33030