KLRN 2 LLC has been set up 11/1/2022 in state FL.
The current status of the business is Active. The KLRN 2 LLC principal address is 3525 US 221, PERRY, 32347.
Meanwhile you can send your letters to 769 BARRINGTON HALL DR, MACON, GA, 31220.
The company`s registered agent is PATEL LISA 3525 US 221, PERRY, FL, 32347.
The company`s management are A, M, B, R - Patel Lisa, A, M, B, R - Patel Kashyap.
Company number L22000344915
Status Active
FEI number
Company Type Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 11/1/2022
Principal Address
3525 US 221, PERRY, 32347
Mailing Address 769 BARRINGTON HALL DR, MACON, GA, 31220
KLRN 2 LLC Principals
Lisa Patel
A, M, B, R
Patel Lisa
3525 US 221, PERRY, FL, 32347
Kashyap Patel
A, M, B, R
Patel Kashyap
3525 US 221, PERRY, FL, 32347
Registered Agent
Agent Name PATEL LISA (p)
Agent Address
3525 US 221, PERRY, FL, 32347