PLUSOLUTION, LLC has been set up 11/1/2022 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The PLUSOLUTION, LLC principal address is 9935 LANCEWOOD CT, ORLANDO, 32817. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 9935 LANCEWOOD CT, ORLANDO, FL, 32817. The company`s registered agent is WONG OSMER E 9935 LANCEWOOD CT, ORLANDO, FL, 32817. The company`s management are Manager - Wong Maria I.

Company number L22000357813
Status Active
FEI number
Company Type Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 11/1/2022
Principal Address 9935 LANCEWOOD CT, ORLANDO, 32817
Mailing Address 9935 LANCEWOOD CT, ORLANDO, FL, 32817


Maria I Wong

Manager Wong Maria I
Address 1502 CRICKET CLUB, APT 101, ORLANDO, FL, 32828

Registered Agent

Agent Name WONG OSMER E (p)
Agent Address 9935 LANCEWOOD CT, ORLANDO, FL, 32817