ROBERT SHIPP ELECTRIC INC. has been set up 8/1/2005 in state FL.
The current status of the business is Active. The ROBERT SHIPP ELECTRIC INC. principal address is 9350 NE HWY 27, BRONSON, FL, 32621.
Meanwhile you can send your letters to 9350 NE HWY 27, BRONSON, FL, 32621.
The company`s registered agent is SHIPP ROBERT EJr. 9350 NE HWY 27, BRONSON, FL, 32621.
The company`s management are President - Shipp Robert Ejr, E, M, President, L - Shipp Pj A, E, M, President, L - Shipp Robert W. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 6/29/2020.
Company number P05000106261
Status Active
FEI number 743151977
Company Type Domestic for Profit
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 8/1/2005
Additional information
Phone 352-538-5435
Business Location 9350 NE Hwy 27, Bronson, Florida, 32621
Open hours Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
Description State Licensed and Insured Electrical Contractor
provided by Robert Shipp, President
Robert Ejr Shipp
Shipp Robert Ejr
9350 NE Hwy 27, BRONSON, FL, 32621
Pj A Shipp
E, M, President, L
Shipp Pj A
9350 NE Hwy 27, Bronson, FL, 32621
Robert W Shipp
E, M, President, L
Shipp Robert W
9350 NE Hwy 27, Bronson, FL, 32621
Last Annual Reports
2020 6/29/2020
2020 6/29/2020
2019 4/30/2019
Registered Agent
Agent Name SHIPP ROBERT EJr. (p)
Agent Address
9350 NE HWY 27, BRONSON, FL, 32621