SC TRAINING, LLC has been set up 1/10/2014 in state FL.
The current status of the business is Active. The SC TRAINING, LLC principal address is 2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612-6297.
Meanwhile you can send your letters to 2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612-6297.
The company`s registered agent is CASELLA SEAN 2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612.
The company`s management are Chairman, E, O, , - Casella Sean. The company annual reports filed on Annual reports – 4/23/2020.
Company number L14000005298
Status Active
FEI number 46-4481325
Company Type Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 1/10/2014
Additional information
Phone 813.515.9443
Description SC Training LLC is a Broadcast Media and IT Authorized Training Company based in Tampa, Florida USA. With over 20+ years of experience we provide Certified Instructor-Led Training Courses from Apple, Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and other industry leading manufactures. Custom On-Site Training, Live Online Training, and Classroom Training Courses available to meet your schedule and budget. All of our Training Courses come with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Contact us today for more information or to register for upcoming classes.
provided by SC
Principal Address
2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612-6297
Mailing Address 2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612-6297
Sean Casella
Chairman, E, O, ,
Casella Sean
2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612
Last Annual Reports
2020 4/23/2020
2020 4/23/2020
2019 4/5/2019
Registered Agent
Agent Name CASELLA SEAN (p)
Agent Address
2780 E FOWLER AVE, #130, TAMPA, FL, 33612