WEST KENDALL LOCAL INC has been set up 9/7/2022 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The WEST KENDALL LOCAL INC principal address is 11006 SW 139 PLACE, MIAMI, FL, 33186- USA. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 11006 SW 139 PLACE, MIAMI, FL, 33186- USA. The company`s registered agent is GARCIA DAVID 4000 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD, MIAMI, FL, 33146. The company`s management are President - Barrios Veronica B, President - Bianchi Janina, President - Barrios Marcus.

Company number N22000010224
Status Active
FEI number
Company Type Domestic Non Profit
Home State FL
Last activity date not available
Date Of Incorporation 9/7/2022
Principal Address 11006 SW 139 PLACE, MIAMI, FL, 33186- USA
Mailing Address 11006 SW 139 PLACE, MIAMI, FL, 33186- USA


Veronica B Barrios

President Barrios Veronica B
Address 11006 SW 139 PLACE, MIAMI, FL, 33186

Janina Bianchi

President Bianchi Janina
Address 1631 NE 114 ST, MIAMI, FL, 33181

Marcus Barrios

President Barrios Marcus
Address 10720 SW 139 AVENUE, MIAMI, FL, 33186

Registered Agent

Agent Name GARCIA DAVID (p)
Agent Address 4000 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD, MIAMI, FL, 33146